No dia 12/02, sexta-feira, será realizado o Yale International Arbitration Breakfast Roundtable, organizado pela Yale Law School (Center for the Study of Private Law) e pelo escritório Shearman & Sterling LLP.
O evento terá como palestrantes os Professores Emmanuel Gaillard e Yas Banifatemi, e será moderado pelo Professor Daniel Markovits. A mesa de debates acontecerá presencialmente em Nova York, mas será transmitida por videoconferência para São Paulo. A conferência iniciará às 11:20 e haverá welcome coffee a partir das 10:30.
A CAMARB e a PGE de São Paulo viabilizarão a transmissão para o Brasil, que será realizada em Sala de Audiências localizada no WTC (Av. das Nações Unidas, 12.551, 17ºandar, Torre WTC, São Paulo – SP, Brazil).
As vagas são limitadas e os interessados deverão confirmar presença, até o dia 11/02, pelo email
Segue abaixo a programação completa do evento.
O evento terá como palestrantes os Professores Emmanuel Gaillard e Yas Banifatemi, e será moderado pelo Professor Daniel Markovits. A mesa de debates acontecerá presencialmente em Nova York, mas será transmitida por videoconferência para São Paulo. A conferência iniciará às 11:20 e haverá welcome coffee a partir das 10:30.
A CAMARB e a PGE de São Paulo viabilizarão a transmissão para o Brasil, que será realizada em Sala de Audiências localizada no WTC (Av. das Nações Unidas, 12.551, 17ºandar, Torre WTC, São Paulo – SP, Brazil).
As vagas são limitadas e os interessados deverão confirmar presença, até o dia 11/02, pelo email
Segue abaixo a programação completa do evento.
The Yale Law School Center for the Study of Private Law and Shearman & Sterling LLP cordially invite you and your guests to the Yale International Arbitration Breakfast Roundtable
Shareholder Rights in International Investment Arbitration
Join Professor Emmanuel Gaillard and Dr. Yas Banifatemi for a Roundtable on shareholder rights in investment arbitration. This will be an opportunity to discuss the key consequences stemming from the ability of shareholders to bring claims for injuries suffered by a company – generally, the local company through which they have made investments – affected by the host State’s measures. In particular, the speakers will address a shareholder’s standing to bring such claims, the standing of shareholders at different levels of the company’s chain of ownership to bring such claims, and the question of assessing compensation for such claims. The discussion will also cover the
newest generation of investment protection treaties and examine how the topic of shareholder rights is addressed therein.
Yas Banifatemi
Partner, Shearman & Sterling International Arbitration Group
Visiting Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School
Head, Shearman & Sterling Public International Law Practice
Emmanuel Gaillard
Founder and Head, Shearman & Sterling International Arbitration Group
Visiting Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Daniel Markovits '00
Guido Calabresi Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Friday, February 12, 2016
Shearman & Sterling LLP
599 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022
There is no cost associated with this event,
though pre-registration is required.
The Roundtable will also be simulcast to the following locations:
Luxembourg: 2:20-3:45 PM
Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law
4, rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg
Paris: 2:20-3:45 PM
Shearman & Sterling
114, avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
São Paulo: 11:20 AM - 12:45 PM
CAMARB - Câmara de Arbitragem Empresarial - Brasil
Av. das Nações Unidas, 12.551, 17º andar, Torre WTC, São Paulo – SP
Washington, DC: 8:20-9:45 AM
Shearman & Sterling
401 9th Street, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20004
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